DNA Barcoding of Nutritional Supplements

…Barcode of Life supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Mark led the writing of a December 2003 meeting report that envisioned “a world in which any person anywhere anytime…

Gizmodo on populations

…a simple question to a handful of relevant experts. This week’s question is: Is the world overpopulated? Jesse Ausubel draws on our carrying capacity work to offer an answer: https://earther.gizmodo.com/is-the-world-really-overpopulated-1834854464…

Forests Podcast

Ira Flatow interviewed Jesse for a live radio segment (mp3) on NPR Science Friday 17 November 2006 about the PNAS paper by Kauppi et al. on Returning Forests….


The cool web app Wordle creates interesting word cloud summaries of papers, blogs. etc. Here are some summaries of PHE papers: Live Like America (original paper) St. Hubert (original paper)…


On January 15, WNYC’s Mike Pesca interviewed Jesse and Trinity students Brenda Tan and Matt Cost about their DNAHouse. Their lively, live interview can be downloaded as a podcast from…

Jesse Interviewed about Energy on Radio

As part of American Entrepreneur Radio’s “Energy: Powering the Future” series profiling energy in the US, Ron Morris talked for an hour with Jesse Ausubel. The live program aired Thursday…

Big Russian popular review of Deep Biosphere

Russian and Ukrainian scientists have made important contributions since Mendeleev. Jesse Ausubel is quoted near the end of the article. How they live where almost nobody lives: the dark side of…