RFF Seminar on Breakthrough decoupling report

…the video box & use slider).  The video begins with Linus Blomqvist’s introduction of the report and ends with Q&A involving Linus, Jesse, and Tom Lovejoy. https://www.rff.org/events/event/2015-09/reforming-today-s-conservation-and-environmental-policies-tomorrow-s-scarcity      …

Encyclopedia of Life September 2011

On 5 September Version 2 of the Encyclopedia of Life [www.eol.org] became available. A press release describes some of the new features, which include easy ways to build communities and…

Galatée’s Oceans film

…the film around the city and from the premiere. This 48-page booklet, A Look at Marine Life, in French and English describes the ~150 species appearing in the film. https://www.coml.org/comlfiles/press/GalateeBrochure_14January2010.pdf…