Visions of the 21st Century

…of toxic waste. The really bad news is that most of the planet’s 6 billion people are just beginning to follow in the trash-filled footsteps of the U.S. and the

Deep Carbon Observatory discoveries

…together. Here are news stories about the discoveries by Reuters, The Independent newspaper, EFE (the Spanish news wire), and New Energy and Fuel. And in Chinese and Russian.    …

Optimistic About Our Environmental Future

A column about us, “Optimistic about our environmental future”, is syndicated in many newspapers across the country. By MITZI PERDUE, Scripps Howard News Service September 11, 2000 As director of…

Secret Forests of El Salvador

the article is: Hecht, S.B., S. Kandel, I. Gomez, N. Cuellar, and H. Rosa. 2006. Globalization, Forest Resurgence, and Environmental Politics in El Salvador, World Development, Vol. 34 (2), February….

Deep Carbon Observatory landmarks

Yikes, we realize we never posted the 4 March news of the release of the baseline report of the Deep Carbon Observatory. The Press Release, which Jesse helped draft with…

Aquatic environmental DNA (eDNA)

…around New York City.  In 2017 we demonstrated eDNA from 1 liter water samples was sufficient to detect seasonal movements and habitat preference of fish in New York Harbor. In…

The Hidden Majority of Marine Life

For a lively summary of the latest news from the Census of Marine Life, including still images and videos, visit the news release about “hard-to-see” creatures. Learn about a carpet…

Stimulated by a request

Stimulated by a request from the Economist magazine for an article on sustainability for their 6 July issue, Iddo Wernick updates our classic figure on materials use and dematerialization in…

Abiotic Petroleum Bibliography

Our bibliography on abiotic petroleum origins grows bigger and better with the inclusion of another 50+ references to Russian papers, courtesy to Vladimir Kutcherov. Stay tuned for more exciting updates….