Visions of the 21st Century

…it was a few years ago. Says Lifset: “A lot of the consumer goods and industrial equipment could become dramatically smaller when nanotechnology comes online. That, plus more efficient recovery…

Tea Barcode published

What’s in the world’s most popular beverage-tea? Mark Stoeckle helped lead three NYC high school students on a DNA barcoding investigation of commercial tea products, published today in Nature’s online

Updated IQOE Evaluation and 12the Newsletter

…the Global Oceans on 22-25 January 2024 Jesse Ausubel, Ed Urban, and Peter Tyack updated the evaluation of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment. IQOE’s 12th Newsletter is now also online….

Barcode High

The November/December 2011 online issue of The Scientist published an article by Mark on the High School Barcode Project, Barcode High….

Second Look and Cities posted

Expanding our online publication archive, PDF versions of the 1991 paper, “A Second Look at the Impacts of Climate Change,” as well a 1988 piece by Jesse and Robert Herman…