2 July 2004

Jesse returned today from the Azores where the international Scientific Steering Committee for the Census of Marine Life met and welcomed to port the MS Loran and G. O. Sars,…

Notice for Alexander Keynan

…Israeli Newspaper Ha’aretz. May 8, 2012 Professor Alexander Keynan Dies Keynan, who was first administrator of the institute for Biology at Nes Tziona and a member of the committee atomic…

29 July 2004

Upon submission for publication of our paper on “Industrial Ecology for Leverage to Loose Less Cadmium,” we post our simulator of cadmium flows to our ImPACT identity site. The “DynaCad”…

Tony Barrett Leaves for Carnegie Mellon

After a productive stay, our Research Intern, Tony Barrett departed for Pittsburgh, PA to begin his doctorate in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. He can still be…

Breakout Essay

The current issue of GeneWatch includes an interesting array of reports on where DNA barcoding is and where it might go, including PHE-er Mark Stoeckle’s essay “DNA Barcoding Ready for…

28 Aug 2004 NYT article

An article in the Sunday 28 August 2004 New York Times Week in Review refers to our view that 2-3% annual rates of progress might restore nature. Support for our…

Frozen heat essay

Jesse Ausubel’s short essay,Methane Hydrates and the Deep Carbon Observatory, about the recently published Frozen Heat report, has been posted on the DCO website….