Rare mineral species

Want a special Valentine? Forget diamonds, get Sardinian Ichnusaite.  The magazine American Mineralogist has published “On the nature and significance of rarity in mineralogy” by Robert Hazen and Jesse Ausubel.

People enjoy the news – covered in at least 51 countries and 19 languages.

Earth’s rarest minerals catalogued

DPA / APA (newswires, Germany, Austria)
Weniger als ein Würfel Zucker: Manche Mineralien sind extrem selten
(Less than a sugar cube: Some minerals are extremely rare)

Die Welt, Germany
Vergessen Sie Diamanten! Verschenken Sie Edelsteine!
(Forget diamonds! Offer gems!)

For Valentine’s Day gift, forget diamonds: try ichnusaite

New Scientist, UK
Earth’s rarest minerals could hint at life on other planets

Europa Press (Spain)
MÁS DIFÍCILES DE ENCONTRAR QUE LOS DIAMANTES Se contabilizan más de 2.500 minerales raros en la Tierra
(HARDER TO FIND THAN DIAMONDS more than 2,500 rare minerals are recorded on Earth)

Agencia EFE (Spain)
Los 2.550 minerales raros de la Tierra hacen único al planeta azul
(2,550 rare earth minerals make the blue planet unique )

ANSA Italia Anelli davvero unici? Dimentica i diamanti meglio un ichnusaite sardo  https://www.ansa.it/lifestyle/notizie/lusso/accessori/2016/02/10/anelli-davvero-unici-dimentica-i-diamanti-meglio-un-ichnusaite-sardo_5eec0492-7c5c-4928-88b4-81d4cc3e6504.html

Russian news https://www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id=2720495

Rare cobalt minerals (species burgessite, cobaltkortingite, cobaltomenite, pakhomovskyite, and theresemagnanite) are all pink or red.  Cobaltomenite is known from 4 localities: Argentina (the type locality), Congo, Bolivia, and Utah. Cobaltmenite samples from the Emery County, Utah locality:

1) https://bit.ly/1O8mtjR
2) https://bit.ly/20SjsRj

Photos: https://rruff.info/