Barcoding Life Highlights 2013


DSC_0017bcdeIn recognition of the Fifth International Barcode of Life Conference opening next week in Kunming, China, we offer Barcoding Life Highlights 2013.

This eight page pdf takes a look at notable developments since the 2011 conference in Adelaide, Australia, offers a big picture view of barcoding’s flourishing first decade, and features hot links to papers, organizations, and databases.

We hope you enjoy!

1 thought on “Barcoding Life Highlights 2013

  1. The Hawk Moth suits the cover, as it is commonly mistaken for a hummingbird. If this is a metaphor for “things are not always what they seem at first” , then well played, because DNA barcode is exactly this – telling us what is what, with no further doubt.

    Regards, Irvine

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