
San Jose Mercury article

PHE investigator Mark Stoeckle is quoted on DNA barcoding
in a vivid if not perfectly accurate article in the San Jose Mercury News.

Thanks to the Next 1000 Years participants

Thanks to everyone who participated in our conference 9-10 October at The Rockefeller University on “The Next 1000 Years.” The conference inspired us. We are pondering what to do with the many interesting ideas put forward. More news in a few weeks.

Sloan Digital Archive

With his Sloan hat on, Jesse helped bring the September 11 Digital Archive ( into existence. On September 11, 2003 the Library of Congress held a Symposium on “September 11 as History” to reflect on the events and to mark the Library’s first major digital acquisition of September 11, 2001, materials with the addition to its collections of the September 11 Digital Archive. For the press release about the accession visit

, while the Symposium program and eventually its webcast are at



The Census of Marine Life, which Jesse has helped develop, is growing fast. The Associated Press has just issued a lively account of some of the nascent field projects.

Barcode of Life

Our efforts on environmental genomics begin to bear fruit. A “Barcode of Life” project seems likely to proceed based on the just-completed “Banbury II” conference on DNA & taxonomy at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

On this site you can Read Mark Stoeckle’s September 2003 Bioscience essay on “Taxonomy, DNA, and the Bar Code of Life” and the “Barcode of Life scientific rationale and strategy” by Mark & Jesse prepared for Banbury. Mark also co-authored the DNA Barcoding Protocol for the Census of Marine Life. For the essential science of barcoding, visit Paul Hebert’s site.