
Nitro Letter

Adoption of alarming forecasts of nitrogen fertilizer use characterizes many articles and reports, and serves their authors. Nature magazine declined to print our correspondence on its publication of three unconvincing instances of use of high nitrogen forecasts. It is a good bet the growing international nitrogen research industry will feed itself.

“Foresters and DNA” posted

We post “Foresters and DNA“, a version of the forthcoming paper by Ausubel, Wernick, and Waggoner based on Jesse’s Keynote address to the Duke U. Forest Genomics conference in November 2004.

Lindbergh Conference

We post a photo of a Eurasian Eagle Owl, Bubo bubo, participating in the 2004 Lindbergh conference on mobility. Jesse felt the owl, who did not use Powerpoint but did demonstrate how to catch a mouse, gave the best presentation of the conference.

Barcoding of Life Conference a success!

Barcoding of Life Conference at London Natural History Museum February 7-9, 2005 was a major scientific and organizational event. Important new discovery of an effective barcode for higher plants announced, and three major barcoding initiatives launched: 1) World Fishes, 2) All Plants of Costa Rica, and 3) World Birds, the latter led by Mark Stoeckle together with researchers at Guelph and Smithsonian Institution. Excellent worldwide press coverage (link to attached pdf of barcode coverage). Our new barcoding brochure was well received at conference and downloaded heavily from our revamped website,