
Diamonds and Deep Gas

In 1981, geologist John Saul wrote what may be a classic paper on diamonds and deep gas, which we now post to our site.  The full reference is: John M. Saul, The Origin of Diamonds and the Deep Gas Hypothesis, Proceedings of the XVIII International Gemmological Conference, Journal of the Gemmological Society of Japan, Vol.8, no1-4 (Dec. 1981) pp.79-85.

Breakout Essay

The current issue of GeneWatch includes an interesting array of reports on where DNA barcoding is and where it might go, including PHE-er Mark Stoeckle’s essay “DNA Barcoding Ready for Breakout“.

Sofia Kostyrko portrait

On 5 December 2013 the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach hosted Jesse to lecture on the Census of Marine Life. Artist Sofia Kostyrko also gave a tour of the marvelous collection of portraits of “oceanauts” that she has painted, including a portrait of Jesse, now on exhibit at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California.

Produced by PHE associate and acoustician Perrin Meyer, is an interactive meditation on time, oil stocks, and sea levels for the Maldives Pavillion at the 55th Venice Biennale. polartide takes in data from two sources, sea water levels and oil stock quotes, and maps these numbers onto an interactive graph. Clicking the graph buttons, you hear a sonification of the data on your computer. Clicking on the buttons you also trigger those sounds to be played live at the Maldives Pavillion in Venice and at an exhibition in Berkeley, California as well. You are contributing, with your clicks, to the way the artwork sounds. More info at
Team: Greg Niemeyer (Data Artist); Chris Chafe (Composer); Perrin Meyer (Producer)); Rama Gottfried (Sound Artist)