Zero emission power plant construction

We are pleased to read that North Carolina-based company NET Power Breaks Ground on Demonstration Plant for World’s First Emissions-Free, Low-Cost Fossil Fuel Power Technology. The NET  Power technology, which uses carbon dioxide as a working fluid to drive a combustion turbine, is precisely what we proposed in our work on Zero Emission Power Plants during the 1990s with Cesare Marchetti, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Eugen Yantovski, and colleagues at Tokyo Electric Power.  See, for example, the sections on ZEPPs in JH Ausubel, Five worthy ways to spend large amounts of money for research on environment and resources (The Bridge 29(3): 4-16, 1999) and JH Ausubel Big green energy machines  (The Industrial Physicist 10(5): 20-24, 2004).  We wish for the success of NET Power and also Clean Energy Systems, another firm with promising ZEPP technology.

Energy Xchange radio interview

The Energy Xchange, an independent producer of podcasts, recorded a 1-hour conversation on energy of

Scott W. Tinker – director, Bureau of Economic Geology,University of Texas at Austin;

Steven E. Koonin– former undersecretary for science, U.S. Department of Energy

Jesse H. Ausubel – director, Program for the Human Environment, The Rockefeller University;

Podcast and transcript are here. Faster to browse the text than listen.