... wavelets1
In this paper, we use the wavelet analogy frequently to motivate our formulation of Loglet analysis. However, we do not show the mathematical equivalence of what is currently meant by wavelet analysis in the digital signal processing community and our model, which is a topic of active research. In traditional wavelet analysis, the basis function must be orthogonal, and the logistic model is not. We suspect that our model could fit into the framework of non-orthogonal wavelet theory. However, results from this theory are not necessary for any of the methods presented in this paper.
... curve2
See Banks [3] for a comprehensive survy of growth and diffusion phenomena modeled by ODE's.
named after the authors who wrote a paper that popularized this technique [6]. The method first appeared in a paper written by Edwin B. Wilson in 1925 [20].
... mobility4
Source of data: Arnluf Grübler, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria
... maglevs5
``Maglevs'' refer to magnetically levitated trains. For an analysis of US transport infrastructure using the logistic substitution model, see[2].
... GUI6
Graphical User Interface