Elektron: Electrical Systems in Retrospect and Prospect

JH Ausubel, C Marchetti. Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment 110–134 1997 Also appeared in Daedalus 125(3):139-169, Summer 1996.

…clapping belts. But the network of beams, blocks, cords, and drums for transmitting t he steam power to the machinery on the floor encumbered, endangered, and clamored. The electric motor…

Zero emission power plant construction

We are pleased to read that North Carolina-based company NET Power Breaks Ground on Demonstration Plant for World’s First Emissions-Free, Low-Cost Fossil Fuel Power Technology. The NET Power technology, which…

Abiotic carbon, subducted biology

…https://deepcarbon.net/rewriting-textbook-fossil-fuels Coverage here: Decade-Long Geology Project Rewrites Origins of Earth’s Methane 22 April 2019 Discover Our old friend Tommy Gold would be thrilled. A paper by Peter Barry and Co….

The Great Reversal: Nature’s Chance to Restore Land and Sea

JH Ausubel. Technology in Society 22: 289–302 2000

…At 600m2 each, the USA increase would consume 6 million hectares, about the land area of Belgium plus the Netherlands or five Connecticuts. Globally, if everyone new builds at the present…

Industrial Ecology: Some Directions for Research

IK Wernick, JH Ausubel. With the Vishnu Group, The Rockefeller University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1997

…several government agencies and trade associations, has begun a financial exchange for trading scrap materials. Other exchanges such as the National Materials Exchange Network (NMEN) and the Global Recycling Network…

Mitigation and Adaptation for Climate Change: Answers and Questions

JH Ausubel. The Bridge 23 (3): 15–30 1993 Also pp. 557-584 inΒ Costs, Impacts, and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation, Y. Kaya, N. Nakicenovic, W.D. Nordhaus, and F.L. Toth, eds., International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 1993.

net costs (or benefits), but also for the levels of uncertainty surrounding them. Here the “Precautionary Principle” for environmental management comes into play. The Precautionary Principle is a legal term…

Optimistic About Our Environmental Future

…is looking for a career where he or she could make a difference, why not suggest environmental engineering? On the Net: https://phe.rockefeller.edu. (Mitzi Perdue writes about environmentally related matters for…

Does Energy Policy Matter?

…to sequester all the net increase of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels that we do today. Not that you’d ever want to do it, but it is a possibility…

Loglet Lab software version 4

…analysis. All versions of LogletLab are available free of charge. Click here to access LogletLab 4 Here is an example, the space shuttle launch history. https://ll4.ddns.net:8000/?page=index&preload=library.get.288 Thanks to David Burg,…