JH Ausubel.
The Bridge
23 (3):
Also pp. 557-584 in Costs, Impacts, and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation, Y. Kaya, N. Nakicenovic, W.D. Nordhaus, and F.L. Toth, eds., International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 1993.
…a cost-benefit analysis, the conclusion might be that no social response is warranted, if avoiding the problem costs 2 percent and incurring the problem costs only 1 percent. Costs could…
JH Ausubel, C Marchetti, PS Meyer.
European Review
6 (2):
…Online at URL https://www.bts.gov/ntl/. 34US Department of Transportation (1997) National Transportation Statistics 1997 (Washington, DC: Bureau of Transportation Statistics). Online at https://www.bts.gov/btsprod/nts/. 35J. H. Ausubel and C. Marchetti (1996) ‘Elektron’, Daedalus 125, 139-169. 36M. Jufer…
…that Viagra could spare threatened species in general and in particular ones exploited in traditional Chinese medicine. Better Viagra than Tiger Bone or Rhino Horn, as Richard Ellis has written….
C Marchetti, PS Meyer, JH Ausubel.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
…the second spurt is only about one-tenth of the first. Divorce, common in countries such as Canada, permits longitudinal polygamy, and consequently the final result may be the same. Canadian…
JH Ausubel.
The Bridge
29 (3):
…ETH-Lausanne, Switzerland, 30 August 1996. URL https://sentenext1.epfl.ch/swissmetro. [18] U.S. Department of Transportation, Compendium of Executive Summaries from the Maglev System Concept Definition Final Reports, DOT/FRA/NMI-93/02, pp. 49-81, March 1993. On-line at https://www.bts.gov/smart/cat/CES.html…
IK Wernick, JH Ausubel.
With the Vishnu Group, The Rockefeller University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
…homepage: https://www.elsevier.com/locate/estoc Scrap Recycling and Processing, Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, A bi-monthly trade journal for the scrap reprocessing industry. Homepage: https://www.isri.org/pubcat00.htm#scrapmag Selected Data Sources (General and Specific) General Organization for…
JH Ausubel, DG Victor.
Annual Review of Energy and the Environment
…in the Whaling Convention. Thus, the 18-year delay does not disprove the hypothesis here, though it does weaken it. 8 Additional difficulties in negotiating intrusive arms control verification procedures stem from…
JH Ausubel.
26 (7):
…sources, public and private. The main cost of the program will be the field projects, likely to cost about $5-$25 million each. While Sloan and other private funders can catalyze…
On 18 April Jesse gave a lunch seminar at the University Club in Washington DC titled “Does Energy Policy Matter?” Here is the edited transcript, including Q & A. William…
JH Ausubel, C Marchetti.
Technological Trajectories and the Human Environment
Also appeared in Daedalus 125(3):139-169, Summer 1996.
…variable cost combine with base-loads plants with high capital cost and low variable cost to determine the current usage level. Although the utilization factor surely has a logical upper limit…