2 July 2004

…MS Loran and G. O. Sars, which had completed the first leg of the survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. For the thrilling daily cruise diary of the expedition, visit: https://www.mar-eco.no/Shiptoshore/g._o._sars…

Deep Carbon

…large conference in Washington DC, 24-26 October 2019, as does the Deep Carbon Observatory’s decadal report, a 50-page document released in October 2019. Access the Deep Carbon Observatory website at (www.deepcarbon.science)…

Big Green Energy Machines

…the Millennium Technology Prize symposium in Finland, is the cover story in the October issue of The Industrial Physicist. https://www.aip.org/tip/INPHFA/vol-10/iss-5/p20.html We also have a PDF copy on our servers: https://phe.rockefeller.edu/PDF_FILES/BigGreen.pdf…

2018 Potato Summit

…keynote address to the 2018 Potato Business Summit of the United Potato Growers of America at Potato Expo, 8am Wednesday 10 January. The slides and video are linked at www.potatobusinesssummit.com…

ZEPP’s is SlashDotted

Jesse’s article on Zero Emission Power Plants (ZEPPs) was slashdotted! https://science.slashdot.org/science/04/10/14/1427207.shtml?tid=126&tid=134 Original article: https://www.aip.org/tip/INPHFA/vol-10/iss-5/p20.html…

Washington Post Virtual-U

Virtual-U and the Serious Games movement that Jesse has helped build makes the front page of the Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40639-2004Oct17.html We have a PDF version here: https://phe.rockefeller.edu/PDF_FILES/WashPost18Oct2004.pdf…


…and potential solutions for this potential continental energy exchange, which could become over the decades an eBay for buyers and sellers of protons and electrons from kilowatts to gigawatts. https://www.conferences.uiuc.edu/supergrid/agenda.html…

SuperGrid2 January 2005

…2 conference on the Continental SuperGrid for distribution of electricity and hydrogen have been posted by Paul Grant along with lots of other good material about the SuperGrid at: https://www.w2agz.com/SG%20-%20SuperGrid%202%20Proceedings.htm…