CoML Venice

We post the text (but not slides and movies) from Jesse’s talk “How to Census Marine Life” delivered in Venice 15 June 2006 under the auspices of the European Regional Implementation Committee for the Census of Marine Life (Euro-CoML) and Telecom Italia’s Progetto Italia.

Jesse at Millennium Technology Prize symposium

On 22 June Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, received the first Millennium Technology Prize [] (1 million Euros) in Helsinki. Jesse was one of the speakers at the accompanying symposium. His remarks on Big Green Energy Machines were reported in the main Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat [part 1, [part 2]. We thank Pekka Kauppi for a translation to English. The Suomen Kuvalehti (“Newsweek in Finland”) also ran a story that highlights both ZEPPs and the Continental Supergrid [part 1, part 2].

Big Green Energy Machines: Text (pdf), and Slides (powerpoint)