DNAHouse: exploring urban environment

…dog a DNA test. January 22, 2010. video DNAHouse investigators Brenda Tan and Matt Cost, The Trinity School, New York, NY Advisor: Mark Stoeckle, MD, The Rockefeller University “We found DNA evidence all around…

Godfather – The Scientist

…and then made his decision, no longer fearing the cost. “For justice I must go on my knees to Don Gvishiani.” In the garishly decorated guest bungalow of Resource Analysis Inc….

The Great Reversal: Nature’s Chance to Restore Land and Sea

JH Ausubel. Technology in Society 22: 289–302 2000

…the United States is far from most efficient practice. Water withdrawals for all users in the OECD countries range tenfold, with the USA and Canada the highest. Allowing for national…

The Program for the

The Program for the Human Environment goes online, with a simple web page hosted by an SGI Indy (www.rockefeller.edu/phe)….

IE Reflections posted

We notice that the 1992 paper “Industrial Ecology: Reflections on a Colloquium” (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA) has been published online: https://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/89/3/879 We also have a copy on our server:…

How Did Noah’s Ark Float?

…far, in a free online service (https://www.eol.org/). “There are expectations of 8 to 50 million more species out there that we haven’t identified yet,” Edwards said. Other experts’ estimates of…