Barcode Coverage

The big London DNA barcoding jamboree earned extensive press coverage, ranging from BBC and CNN to Science.…

Animation of eruptions, earthquakes, emissions

…predict cataclysmic supervolcano eruptions BBC Volcano insight: Fifty years of eruptions revealed EFE Una aplicación compila todas las erupciones volcánicas desde 1960 ANSI Eruzioni e terremoti, 50 anni di dati…

The Census of the Fishes: An Update

…for NOPP is provided by the Consortium for Oceanographic Research & Education (CORE). Fifty-three U.S. oceanographic research institutions, universities, laboratories, and aquaria representing the nucleus of U.S. research and education…

IIASA alumni news item with Jesse

The IIASA blog 9 Sept 2015 includes a 500-word interview with Jesse Ausubel about his recent essay Nature Rebounds and his experiences as a young researcher at the Institute near…

Scientists, War, Diplomacy, Europe

JH Ausubel. George C. Marshall Institute News 3 (4): 2001

…and politicians in the same loop Regina Gusmão Research networks as a means of European integration Rudolf Botzian Scientific cooperation and technical assistance in German foreign policy Hartmut  Kaelble Science…