The Continental SuperGrid concept

…have aided and abetted is gaining attention. An AP story in USA Today: A Science Daily news item: The final report for the National Energy Supergrid workshop:

CoML in Cambridge

…Life. The 17MB pdf posted here includes all the slides but not the animations or videos. Thanks to the Class of 1973 for a wonderful opportunity to share the Census!…

eDNA work in progress

…2022). eDNA metabarcoding is generally considered a qualitative tool for relative abundance. We hope to help develop eDNA metabarcoding as a quantitative tool for absolute abundance (link to pdf work-in-progress)….

Barcoding Highlights 2013

…page pdf takes a look at notable developments since the 2011 conference in Adelaide, Australia, offers a big picture view of barcoding’s flourishing first decade, and features hot links to…

NYC/NJ Fish eDNA – Methods

Methods Link to NYC/NJ Fish eDNA home page Download pdf NYC/NJ aquatic eDNA protocol (updated April 4, 2017)   Annotated references Ficetola GF, Miaud C, Pompanon F, Taberlet P (2008)…

Mark Stoeckle commentary in The Auk

…Birds Barcoding Initiative and is the first compilation of genetic resources for any large group of organisms. “A Global Snapshot of Avian Tiss ue Collections: State of the Enterprise” (PDF)…

Rare minerals

…in mineralogy Robert M. Hazen, Jesse H. Ausubel American Mineralogist, v. 101, i. 6, p. 1245-1251, Published on June 2016, First Published on June 02, 2016, doi:10.2138/am-2016-5601CCBY Full Text (PDF)…