Toward Green Mobility: The Evolution of Transport

JH Ausubel, C Marchetti, PS Meyer. European Review 6 (2): 143–162 1998

…Online at URL 34US Department of Transportation (1997) National Transportation Statistics 1997 (Washington, DC: Bureau of Transportation Statistics). Online at 35J. H. Ausubel and C. Marchetti (1996) ‘Elektron’, Daedalus 125, 139-169. 36M. Jufer…

The Virtual Ecology of Industry

JH Ausubel. Journal of Industrial Ecology 1 (1): 10–11 1997

…long sought to channel every input into profitable output. Chemical engineers already design and test refineries in detail on computers before companies buy the first length of pipe. Energy engineers…

Does Climate Still Matter?

JH Ausubel. Nature 350: 649–652 1991

climate through the lens of technology and innovation, to clarify what adaptations have succeeded and the trends in vulnerability to climate. I also examine whether the greenhouse effect by itself…

Interview by Heinz Horeis

…equivalent of sub-prime mortgages. “ “But humans are not rational. Why do people buy lottery tickets? They hope for a solution, effectively by magic, as lottery jackpot odds are one…

Daedalus, Summer 1996

…answers they provide are provocative, unexpected, and compelling. Contents (click on the hyperlinks for the full-text article) Introduction–Robert M. White, Senior Fellow of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and…

News coverage about surprising Jersey Shore fish spotted w eDNA

…detecta migraciones de especies marinas Prensa Latina, Cuba Descubren nuevos patrones de migración de especies marinas tropicales Globedia, Spain Detectan migraciones de especies marinas gracias al ADN medioambiental…

The Continental SuperGrid concept

…have aided and abetted is gaining attention. An AP story in USA Today: A Science Daily news item: The final report for the National Energy Supergrid workshop:…

Reuters article on COVID-19 & Quiet Ocean Experiment

…before propeller-driven ships and boats spanned the globe? even picked up by the New York Times: and in the hard copy edition of the Washington Post. The 2009…

More fishing for DNA on Martha’s Vineyard

…2016: We continue to be thrilled by ways that eDNA allows us to discover the animals in the water around us. For more, see and .  …