Progress in biodiversity informatics

…data sets to Ward Appeltans and company.  PHE researchers Mark Stoeckle and Cameron Coffran developed software, TreeParser, that helps generate Klee diagram “heat maps” of genetic biodiversity (freely…

News coverage about surprising Jersey Shore fish spotted w eDNA Revista Planeta, Brazil  Arraia típica do Brasil está chegando perto da costa de Nova York DIVE Magazine, UK DNA Traces Prove To Be Useful Tool in Understanding Fish…

Leonardo DNA Project in National Geographic

…magazine. Elga Daifa published on article about the Leonardo DNA Project in the Greek edition of People magazine: Sarah Cascone writes about the project in ArtNet news Cracking the…

Rhythms of the Universe

…5 short segments posted on YouTube. This segment captures the sound and video quite well: Other segments capture the excellent conversation of Mickey Hart and George Smoot, e.g.,…

Fishing for DNA paper published

…at the 47 sec. mark, 5 1/2 minutes): A 40 sec. clip is also posted here: Smithsonian magazine How teeny bits of leftover DNA help scientists track…

Industrial Ecology: Some Directions for Research

IK Wernick, JH Ausubel. With the Vishnu Group, The Rockefeller University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1997

…homepage: Scrap Recycling and Processing, Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, A bi-monthly trade journal for the scrap reprocessing industry. Homepage: Selected Data Sources (General and Specific) General Organization for…

Galatee Seasons film segment

The new film of Jacques Perrin and Galatee Productions, The Seasons, is scheduled for release 27 January 2016. A 1-minute promotional segment is available at See also The…

More fishing for DNA on Martha’s Vineyard

…2016: We continue to be thrilled by ways that eDNA allows us to discover the animals in the water around us. For more, see and .  …

Some Ways to Lessen Worries about Climate Change [PDF]

JH Ausubel. The Electricity Journal 14 (1): 24–33 2001

…these replacements daily. For example, compact discs replaced cassettes, which replaced long-playing records, which replaced 78-rpm records (Figure 1). A new generations of computer chips replaces the old every 2-3…

Mark Stoeckle mitochondria paper in Human Evolution

…world are no greater than differences between pigeons Europa Press, newswire, Spain La diferencia genética entre humanos, en el promedio de las especies Agencia EFE, Spain Demostrado, no…