The Virtual Ecology of Industry

JH Ausubel. Journal of Industrial Ecology 1 (1): 10–11 1997

…long sought to channel every input into profitable output. Chemical engineers already design and test refineries in detail on computers before companies buy the first length of pipe. Energy engineers…

The Census of Marine Life: Progress and Prospects

JH Ausubel. Fisheries 26 (7): 33–36 2001

…out, and the fact that growing numbers of us are trying.  About four years ago, several leading oceanographers shared their concerns with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation that humanity’s understanding…

Mitigation and Adaptation for Climate Change: Answers and Questions

JH Ausubel. The Bridge 23 (3): 15–30 1993 Also pp. 557-584 in Costs, Impacts, and Benefits of CO2 Mitigation, Y. Kaya, N. Nakicenovic, W.D. Nordhaus, and F.L. Toth, eds., International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, 1993.

…fled. I looked and lo the fruitful land was a desert and the cities were laid in ruins.” (Jer 4:23-26) The climate issue deals with deep human fears, the oldest…

Energy and Environment: The Light Path

JH Ausubel. Energy Systems and Policy 15: 181–188 1991

…happened. In fact, only a few percent of the Earth’s surface are needed for human settlements. Though much of the surface has been transformed by human action, less than one…

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…the environment. Terry has created an archive of the occasions on which we have worked together. Castle Builder Design Web design and development for PHE and related projects since 2016…

Verification of International Environmental Agreements

JH Ausubel, DG Victor. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 17: 1–43 1992

…Problems and opportunities frequently cross national borders. Informal and formal international arrangements-loosely termed “regimes,” defined here as systems of rule or government that have widespread influence–are for the collective management…

Death and the Human Environment: The United States in the 20th Century [PDF]

JH Ausubel, PS Meyer, IK Wernick. Technology in Society 23 (2): 131–146 2001

…Health Organization. These selection rules are applied when more than one cause of death appears on the death certificate, a fairly common occurrence. From an environmental perspective, the rules are…