Long Now Foundation January 2015

The Long Now Foundation in San Francisco will host a lecture by Jesse Ausubel, “Nature is Rebounding: Land- and Ocean-sparing through Concentrating Human Activities,” Tuesday 13 January 2015 at the…

Recognizing Terry Collins and Dale Langford

Human Environment, and many reports of the Census of Marine Life, Deep Carbon Observatory, and other programs in which Jesse has played a role. As reported in our 2013 blog…

Chauncey Starr

Chauncey Starr, who helped launch the Program for the Human Environment, passed away on 18 April 2007, shortly after his 95th birthday celebration. In fond memory of Chauncey, we post…

Fusion power density demonstrated

…with deuterium-tritium fuel.  Note: *CANDU is a pressurized heavy water reactor.  Sources of data:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_density and https://euro-fusion.org/eurofusion-news/dte3record/.  Figure prepared by N.M.Victor, 2/9/2024.  Program for the Human Environment, The Rockefeller University….

Intern Isabel Kirsch

Isabel Kirsch, a student at Yale College, has worked with PHE during the summer of 2020 as an intern exploring the immune system through the lens of human performance enhancement….

Andrew Johnson departs

Research Intern Andrew Johnson moved to Washington, D.C. to join the State Department. He can still be reached through the Program for the Human Environment.