Special Report

…Stollmack. “We have changed the entire complexion of our company and our product line because of this global warming trend,” he says. The company, for example, makes all its heavy…

We participated in the 2nd

…on the Great Restoration of forests. We presented a paper “How much will feeding more and wealthier people encroach on forests?” All papers are posted on the project website: https://greatrestoration.rockefeller.edu…

Panel on Ocean Exploration

The Department of Commerce has established a new Panel on Ocean Exploration on which Jesse is serving. The work of the panel is described at https://oceanpanel.nos.noaa.gov….

Optimistic About Our Environmental Future

…second, less primitive, part of the human brain has a lot in common with the brains of other mammals. This section controls emotions and behaviors such as care of the…

Galatée’s Oceans film

…the film around the city and from the premiere. This 48-page booklet, A Look at Marine Life, in French and English describes the ~150 species appearing in the film. https://www.coml.org/comlfiles/press/GalateeBrochure_14January2010.pdf…

DNA barcodes for almost all North American birds published

…paper on barcodes for bats as well as a methodological paper, in Molecular Ecology Notes. For a copy of the paper as well as images and other information, visit https://www.barcodeoflife.org/barcode/batsbirds/…

Verification of International Environmental Agreements

JH Ausubel, DG Victor. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 17: 1–43 1992

…management of common natural resources also yield relevant lessons for international environmental cooperation (13). For several reasons, assessing the effectiveness of international environmental agreements requires study of how compliance is…

Cities and Infrastructure: Synthesis and Perspectives [PDF]

R Herman, JH Ausubel. pp. 1-21 in Cities and their vital systems: Infrastructure, Past, Present, and Future, National Academy, Washington, DC 1988

This article, as well as the full publication in which it originally appears, is also available on the National Academies Press website, located at https://www.nap.edu/books/0309037867/html/….

Cosmos Prize photos

…Prize web page now has excellent photos and other material about the award of the 2011 prize to the Scientific Steering Committee of the Census of Marine Life. See: https://www.expo-cosmos.or.jp/album_e.html…