Soy el arbol!!

…to Savithri Narayanan for her photo of this sign “Soy el arbol!!” on a tree in a Chilean park with its true and poetic message (translated into English by Jesse)….

Jesse’s remarks at DCO Rome meeting

Jesse offered the closing remarks in Italian at the 9 October symposium of the Deep Carbon Observatory at the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome. An English translation is also included…

Bar Code of Life

THE BARCODE OF LIFE: a short DNA sequence, from a uniform locality on the genome, used for identifying species DNA barcoding: an emerging global standard for identifying species DNA Barcode…

Dominique de Saint Pern

The French newspaper Le Monde on 15 August 2008 featured an excellent article and an interview by Dominique de Saint Pern about the technical and scientific progress of the film…

Deep Carbon Observatory News

…November 2015 Jesse offered the closing remarks in Italian at the 9 October symposium of the Deep Carbon Observatory at the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome. An English translation is…

CoML – Arctic Project

…covered by all the big media outlets — BBC, CNN International, AP, ABC News–, made it into print in ten nations, and was reported in English, Japanese, French, and Spanish….

St. Andrews

…the English-speaking world. As part of the ceremonies, Ausubel delivered a 600th Anniversary Lecture, Every Fish in the Sea: Findings of the First Census of Marine Life. For over three…