Thomas Bailey, new president of Teacher’s College

In 1996 while working with Ralph Gomory, then President of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Jesse Ausubel helped Sloan develop initiatives in higher education.  These included the first university simulator (Virtual U.), professional science master’s degrees (championed by Sheila Tobias), and research on community colleges.   A great success was (is) the Community College Research Center (CCRC) at Teacher’s College (TC).  The CCRC was partly inspired by insights of TC faculty member Thomas Bailey, an expert on the high-performance workplace and school-to-work transitions. Bailey became the founding director of the CCRC and led it until this autumn, when he became President of Teacher’s College.  Congratulations to  Tom and to TC.  Read Tom’s excellent inaugural address and about his pathfinding career, which includes kind mentions of Sloan and Jesse.