2020 declared Year of Quiet Ocean – News from International Quiet Ocean Experiment

…Presse Lull in shipping activity gives scientists chance to listen to sounds of the ocean https://ca.news.yahoo.com/lull-shipping-activity-gives-scientists-042755282.html German: Internationales Forscherteam untersucht Tierlaute im Ozean während Corona-Krise  https://de.nachrichten.yahoo.com/internationales-forscherteam-untersucht-tierlaute-ozean-214115152.html French: Un réseau mondial…

Manifesto for Clean Ocean

…Ocean Manifesto” https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2436864685283/a-clean-ocean-by-2030-un-experts-clean-ocean-manifesto SciTech Daily A Clean Ocean by 2030: UN Experts’ “Clean Ocean Manifesto” https://scitechdaily.com/a-clean-ocean-by-2030-un-experts-clean-ocean-manifesto/ Podcast, Germany #4: Die Zukunft der Meere – mit Angelika Brandt https://www.podcast.de/episode/587607889/4-die-zukunft-der-meere-mit-angelika-brandt Earth.com, United…

Census of Marine Life Reef book

I keep thinking the CoML is complete, then one more publication appears… Spineless, the incomparable photographer Susan Middleton’s book on invertebrates, has appeared. A good article https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/gorgeous-portraits-spineless-sea-creatures-180953078/?no-ist For sale at…

Toward Green Mobility: The Evolution of Transport

JH Ausubel, C Marchetti, PS Meyer. European Review 6 (2): 143–162 1998

…the United States until about 1900. In 1920 America still stabled 20 million non-farm horses, which also produced about half a million tons per day of effluent. Trains (commercialized about…

Industrial Ecology: Some Directions for Research

IK Wernick, JH Ausubel. With the Vishnu Group, The Rockefeller University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1997

…addition to being industries with large resource requirements and waste outputs, these industries are considered basic to future national economic health and competitiveness. The US Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) “Common…

The Continental SuperGrid concept

…have aided and abetted is gaining attention. An AP story in USA Today: https://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/techinnovations/2003-04-10-super-grid_x.htm A Science Daily news item: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/03/030320073732.htm The final report for the National Energy Supergrid workshop: https://www.energy.ece.uiuc.edu/SuperGridReportFinal.pdf…

Google Impact supports DNA Barcoding

…Awards <https://www.google.com/giving/impact-awards.html> program to support organizations using technology and innovative approaches to solve some of the world’s toughest challenges. A project at the Smithsonian Institution<https://www.google.com/giving/impact-awards.html#consortium> devoted to reducing illegal wildlife…

Rhythms of the Universe

…5 short segments posted on YouTube. This segment captures the sound and video quite well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu1JCQj5HLY Other segments capture the excellent conversation of Mickey Hart and George Smoot, e.g., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U89XR5KhOWA…